Additional Resources of Methanol Fuel Cells
Element 1 Corp Announces Road Testing of World’s First Medium-Duty Fuel Cell Truck with Proprietary Onboard Hydrogen Generation
Element 1 Corp (“e1” or “the Company”), a leading developer of hydrogen generation technology, in collaboration with Co-Win Hydrogen Power Company Limited (“CO-WIN”), announced today that e1’s proprietary methanol-based M-Series hydrogen generator has been incorporated onto a medium-duty fuel cell truck produced by one of the world’s largest truck manufacturing companies.
Methanol: Renewable Hydrogen Carrier Fuel
MI’s CEO Greg Dolan gave a presentation on the benefits of methanol as a hydrogen carrier fuel at CAFCP Group meeting on July 31, 2019.
Methanol to H2 Supply Systems (MHSS)- Fuel Cell Mobility
Robert Schluter, President of Element 1, also presented at the meeting, on Methanol Fuel Cell Mobility on July 31, 2019.
Eneco Power Fuel Cell
Eneco Power’s presentation on its hydrogen technology and fuel cell technology.
Element 1 Corp signs Strategic Agreement with Anderson Industries
Element 1 Corp (“e1”), a leading developer of hydrogen generation technology, is pleased to announce it has partnered with Anderson Industries (Anderson) LLC, of Mapleton, North Dakota to develop and commercialize a fuel cell powered industrial flameless heater system.
H30k Rack-Methanol Fuel Cell Rack
Serenergy’s data sheet on its methanol system. This scalable Reformed Methanol Fuel Cell rack can deliver LV/HV output and the embedded charge controller enables regulated DC power for various applications. The RMFC features catalytic startup enabling fast startup and minimum power consumption in standby and during the startup process. A seperate panel for overall safety and operation is available for the system.
H3 NU200: Methanol Fuel Cell Hybrid
Serenergy’s data sheet on its methanol system. H3 NV200 is a multi purpose vehicle for up to five persons and is intended for both private and professional use. The vehicle is a reformed methanol fuel cell hybrid using a battery pack to power its electric motor to run the vehicle while the fuel cell continuously charges a battery. The methanol fuel is converted on-board into hydrogen and directly feed into the fuel cell which produces electrical power. H3 NV200 is based on a factory-built electric car already on the market and is based on a factory-built electric car already on the market and is aftermarket-rebuilt by Serenergy as a fuel cell hybrid.

Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies (Singapore)
Panasonic (United States)
SFC Energy (Germany)
Toshiba (Japan)
Palcan (China)
Element 1 (USA)
Blue World Technologies (Denmark)
SerEnergy (Denmark)
Roland Gumpert